
✚ I'm Piers. Ya' probably recognize me as that one singer, or that gym leader bloke from Spikemuth.
✚ Stop mailin' me stuff to sign, the shippin' costs way too much to send back.
✚ Merch is only sold at events and on my official website, stores online sellin' my stuff are either scalpin' or bootleggin'.
✚ If yer' feelin particularly generous, consider donatin' to the Smiles for Spikemuth drive to help pay for and repair buildings, roads and other necessities around Spikemuth.
50% of album and merch sales go towards this too if that's more your thing.

⬇ Roleplay info ⬇

About Piers

► Piers is 25, dmab, and uses he/him and they/them pronouns.
► He might come off as prickly, but he can be really sweet if you're patient.
► That being said, you're gonna have to be patient if you want to get any information out of him whatsoever. He's very secretive about his personal life, and almost never speaks up about problems without some nudging.
► He has a tendency to be sarcastic and pessimistic, don't take it too seriously if he says something snarky about you OR himself. That's just how he is.
► He does everything he possibly can for Spikemuth, and devotes most of his time to either tending to the city, or working on music.
► He gets flustered very easily.
► He can't take a compliment.
► Piers cares deeply for his Pokemon and Team Yell, and even more so for his sister. Threaten any of them, and there'll be absolute hell to pay.
► If you're a Marnie account he is GOING to dote on you. You cannot change this.
► He smokes, but avoids doing it around Marnie and friends of his.
► He takes care of all kinds of dark types, from abandoned Pokemon to discarded eggs from daycares. Aside from his own Pokemon, some notable ones he takes care of:
-Two Toxels, named Sugar and Spice respectively
-A little Zorua nicknamed Colbur
-Tons of Zigzagoon and Linoone in the area that are just free to come and go from his house, each one of them are named

Rules & Stuff

► Don't take me too seriously, I'm just sitting here.
► Shipping is okay! Piers is bi and poly, and is open to all kinds of partners. There needs to be some chemistry before they get together though.
► Smut rp is a-ok, but in dms only, and please for the love of god be over 18 or I'm blocking you for trying.
-Alternatively, I made Piers a NSFW account too, so you can just uh. Be horny with him there, I guess. It's at @spikemuthbside. I'll probably be a little selective with letting people into that one, but feel free to request.
► Para RP is also okay! Also preferably in dms, but if you want to write a long thread out on the tl, that's okay too!
► I'll reply to people who aren't RP accounts on occasion to have fun with all of you, but if I don't answer you, don't take it to heart! Sometimes I dunno what to say when I'm not replying to an established character...

Regarding CuriousCat and questions
There are two separate accounts to send questions to! One (@spikeyell061) is for general questions or statements or... whatever you wanna send, and the other (@spikemuthbside) is for NSFW asks and stuff because good LORD some of you are horny. And honestly? I can appreciate that. But there's minors following me here, so I'm not about to be horny on main, y'know?
Also: do NOT spam questions in my inbox, or send things you wouldn't tell someone to their face. There's a whole-ass person behind the screen running this account!
Thanks for understanding.

and thanks for actually reading all this garbo lmao

hello Gamers my name is cat! i'm 22, nonbinary, and use any pronouns but they/them is preferred!
i'm an idiot ball of anxiety that gets overwhelmed very easily so i might not actively seek people out or follow a lot of people, but i promise i don't bite and would love to rp with you! just shoot me a message or try to strike up a thread!
i try to avoid making OOC posts, so you might not see me say much outside of dms! so if i just like an ooc tweet, consider it me going "hey" or agreeing!
if i ever post art here, 99% of the time it's art i've drawn myself! if it's not, i'll credit appropriately!
if you wanna talk, you can either dm me (though you might wanna specify if it's an ic or ooc message because i'm big idiot) or hit me up on discord, i'll dm you my username if you want it!

thank u let's be pals